About Me

I am an Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Edinburgh. My research lies in the intersection of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on algorithms and computational complexity. In particular, I am interested in problems related to social choice theory, fair division, competitive markets, game theory and mechanism design.

I obtained my PhD degree from the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University, Denmark in 2015, under the supervision of Peter Bro Miltersen. In the past, I was a Lecturer at the University of Liverpool, a postdoctoral researcher at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, and a postdoctoral research assistant at the University of Oxford. My MSc advisor was Ioannis Caragiannis.

When I am not working, I like to play the guitar and try to compose music. The results of my attempts can be summarized in four self-recorded and self-produced albums with my amateur band.
